Friday, January 24, 2020
Robert E. Lee :: Essays Papers
Robert E. Lee For some the man Robert E. Lee is an almost god like figure. For others he is a paradox. Robert E. Lee was born on January 19, 1807 at Stratford, Virginia. Robert was the fourth child of a Revolutionary War hero Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee and Ann Hill Carter Lee. Young Robert, the son, was raised mostly by his mother. From her he learned patience, control, and discipline. As a young man he was exposed to Christianity and accepted its faith. In contrast to the strong example of his mother Robert saw his father go from failed enterprise to failed enterprise. In part the young Robert was led to try harder and succeed. Robert was accepted to the United States Military Academy and graduated 2nd in his class. But perhaps greater than his academic success was his record of no demerits while being a cadet which today has still not been equaled. Following his graduation Lee, like most top classmen, was given a commission as an engineer. Lt. Lee helped build the St. Louis waterfront and worked on coastal forts in Brunswick and Savannah. It was during this time he married Mary Custis the granddaughter of George Washington and Martha Custis Washington. In 1845 the War between U.S. and Mexico erupted. General Winfield Scott, overall U.S. Army commander, attached Captain Robert E. Lee to his staff. Lee was intrusted with the vital duties of mapping out the terrain ahead, dividing the line of advance for the U.S. troops, and in one case leading troops into battle. Lee was learning skills he would need 16 years later. There in Mexico Lee also met, worked with, and got a chance to evaluate many of those he would later serve with and against; James Longstreet, Thomas J. Jackson, George Pickett, and U.S. Grant. Following the Mexican War Lee returned to service as an army engineer. He spent most of this time near Washington D.C. and moved into Custis mansion (now overlooking the Arlington Cemetery). Thus was Colonel Lee was available for duty to put down a believed rebellion at Harper Ferry, Virginia the site of a United States Arsenal. Colonel Lee, and a young aide Lt. JEB Stuart, and a detachment of U.S. marines, were rushed by train to Harper's Ferry where they were able to capture radical abolitionist John Brown and his followers. Brown's attempt seemed
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Ethics Essay Essay
There are different systems in which an individual or a company could make ethical decisions. They can vary depending on the issue at hand and they relate and different in certain ways. In this writing I will compare the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. I will include a description of the differences in how each theory addresses ethics and morality. And I will give a personal experience to explain the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts as they relate to one of the three theories. Ethical systems based on abstract values are described as virtue theory. Virtue theory is based on character ethics. It is the viewpoint that in living one’s life one should try to cultivate excellence in all they do and in all that other do. This is the system that would address ethics and morality from the perspective of living with high values and with great character (Boylan, 2009). Quoting Boylan (2009) from our book, â€Å"Utilitarianism is a theory that suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more total utility for the group than any other alternative†(pp. 153). Utilitarianism focuses on what is best for the group or team as a whole. This theory asks, â€Å"What ethical decision will profit the most for the largest amount of people?†Deontology is a moral theory that emphasizes one’s duty to do a particular action just because the action, itself, is inherently right and not through any other sorts of calculations (Boylan, 2009). Calculations like what the consequences of that action might be. Deontology is a duty-based theory when addressing ethics and morality. In comparing these three, a utilitarian working for ATT might overlook a bad credit report to make a deal because the deal would help the company and the client. Therefore it’s a win-win. A deontologist might make the same decision based on the fact that the client needs a cell phone to be able to take care of business in order to take of her children. The simple fact that the action is inherently right regardless of the consequences is the bases for the deontologist. And to the contrary only a virtuous worker would have integrity and do what was in the best interest of the company. A personal experience of mine to relate these topics would be a girlfriend of mine just got out of a bad relationship where she was not married, but had a child with this man. She lived with the father of her child for many years although he was abusive and was providing home that was unsafe and insufficient for her and her child. She stayed for many years making decisions as a utilitarian until one day she changed to a deontologist. She chose to leave the state and ignore the rights of the father on the grounds that he was abusing both her and her son. She valued her and her son’s health over anything. She was virtuous in that she rose above the desire to retaliate and pursued only their protection. And all of her actions where based on her moral concepts, according to her beliefs and understanding. In conclusion, there are many different theories and ways to make ethical decisions. I have related and compared the virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontology. I have also shared a personal experience to relate virtue, values, and moral concepts to one of these theories. Life and business are about making decisions and these concepts and theories are a foundation to a healthy life and a healthy business. References Thompson, S. (2014). What is the relationship among virtue, values & moral concepts in individual and business contexts?. Retrieved from Boylan, M. (2009). Basic Ethics. : Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
On The patio poem extrapolation essay - 1588 Words
On The Patio Poem Extrapolation Peter Redgrove was born in a middle class family in Kingston. As a child he got a microscope as a present and because of this he got a scholarship to Cambridge for science. Although he was deeply disturbed and was found to suffer from schizophrenia. He attempted to have Deep Insulin Coma Therapy, a shock treatment for the disease, he had around sixty treatments but it was unsuccessful and gave him visions and he also lost interest in science, so he turned to poetry instead. After working on poetry for about a year he started being published by newspapers. At the age of 22 he married Barbara and had four children with her. Normally he drank heavily and once had an affair with one of his colleague’s wife.†¦show more content†¦There are two examples of alliteration including, â€Å"Fly into the glass of swirl, and slop†, and â€Å"The cloud crushed into a glass†. All through the poem Redgrove uses symbolism in the rain and the storm to show sadness or depre ssion. When I began to interpret the meaning of this poem the biggest thing that stands out is the storm and the rain which could mean that the narrator is depressed or very sad. I think in this poem the narrator drinks a lot and is under the influence of alcohol. In the beginning of the poem he talks about an overflowing wineglass although all of the wine either spilled out or he drank it all but considering he is drunk I would assume that he drank it all. When you combine the alcohol with being depressed is what the feeling of the poem really is. Through the poem the narrator talks about his drinking and how his depression is consuming him. Depression is when you’re feeling really sad about your life or something in your life. In the middle of the poem it says â€Å"Over the table’s scales of rust, Shining like chained sores†which would mean that the drinking is an old habit and he has been following the pattern of getting drunk and being depressed for a long time. R ust forms when water continuously sits on a table and the more the water the more the rust forms so that would represent how often he gets drunk and depressed with the depression continues to
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