Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Great Debate Medical Marijuana, Is It Ethical
The debate on Medical marijuana has been a controversial subject mainly because people have an abundance of opinions and very little scientific research to back up either side of the debate. The most important question here is â€Å"will medical marijuana be used for medical purposes or will it be used inappropriately?†Unlike a person who uses marijuana for medicine or entertainment, some people use marijuana as a means for income. Honestly marijuana sales is a very profitable business but the problem is that there is still a numerous amount of people who sell marijuana illegally. Usually with illegal sales of marijuana also comes other illegal activity. According to the DEA, â€Å"marijuana smuggling into the United States has occurred at†¦show more content†¦Todays marijuana is much more powerful and much more addictive than it was a generation ago.’ â€Å"Federal laws classify marijuana as a schedule I drug along with heroin and LSD. Although marijuana may be addictive to some, the potential for forming an addiction may be lower than with some prescription drugs.†(Live Science) Regardless, the reality is that marijuana IS a drug. Marijuana is composed of approximately over four hundred chemicals. According to the Mayo Clinic Marijuana contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids. Researchers are evaluating how effective some of these cannabinoids might be in controlling symptoms of certain medical conditions. For example: THC, an abbreviation for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC is the main component responsible for marijuanas mind-altering effect. It also may help treat signs and symptoms such as nausea and vomiting that are associated with a number of medical conditions. Cannabinol and cannabidiol, these compounds have some of the properties of THC, but cause less psychoactive effects  the high. [...]†Medical marijuana can be used to treat a variety of illnesses ranging from anxiety to more life threatening diseases like cancer. A person, in California, who uses marijuana medically agrees to follow the Health and Safety codes as defined by the Attorney General, Edmund G. Brown Jr., and the Department of Justice (state ofShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"When Your Conscience Says Law Is Immoral, DonT Follow1038 Words  | 5 PagesJack Kevorkian seems to resonate deeply with the proponents of legalizing marijuana use, despite it originally referring to assisted suicide. The legalization of marijuana use had become one of the biggest hot button issues of the last decade, and is being fiercely debated across the United States. First made illegal in 1970 with the passing of the Controlled Substances Act, which declared it an addictive drug with no medical value, many are now fighting against this law, citing medicinal uses andRead MoreEthical Issues with Legalization of Marijuana Essay1349 Words  | 6 PagesDonna Lowe SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics Social Responsibility Prof. Donna Falloon May 16, 2011 Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America behind only alcohol and tobacco, and is estimated that nearly 80 million Americans use it at least one occasion.  According to government surveys, some 20 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year, and more than 11 million do so regularly despite harsh laws against its use. Being used for medicinal purposes or simplyRead MoreThe Role Of A Nurse Practitioner As An Advocate And Teacher1380 Words  | 6 Pagesdiagnosing and treating patients. 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I feel that there should be some differentRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1374 Words  | 6 PagesMontana) allow physician-assisted suicide. Physician-assisted suicide currently remains a felony in New York. Lawmakers supporting efforts to legalize physician-assisted suicide in New York believe it will likely take years, much like allowing medical marijuana did. I believe it’s somewhat hypocritical for physician-assisted suicide to remain illegal when it’s against the law for physicians to intervene when a competent adult patient refuses consent to receive care, even if death would be the likelyRead MoreFederal Data Protection Laws On The United States1431 Words  | 6 Pagesthat on the federal level, the United States sustained a sectorial method towards data protection legislation in which certain industries are protected and others are not (p. 4). 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(Brownlee, 2003) Read MorePros and Cons of Drug Legalization Essay1476 Words  | 6 Pagesoften have a bad name even though they help us everyday in medical cases. and the drugs with the worst reputations are not the most abused drugs One may benefit from the legalization of drugs in many ways, while others would suffer greatly. Almost every person in the United States has their own opinion on drug legalization. There are many different pros and cons to the legalization of drugs. Drug legalization is also an ethical and a moral issue. Should drugs be legalized or not?Read MoreEuthanasi Euthanasia And Euthanasia1773 Words  | 8 Pagesterminally-ill, and cannot recover from the severe disease. Some people choose euthanasia over painful death, while some people choose it because they don’t want to spend a lot of their family’s money for their health if it cannot be cured. There has been a great debate about whether one should be allowed to end their life, as per their wish, or not. Here are some of the arguments â€Å"for†and â€Å"against†euthanasia. First of all, we should be able to distinguish between â€Å"suicide†and â€Å"euthanasia†. Suicide is whenRead More Legalize drugs Essay example2773 Words  | 12 Pages Such an issue stirs up moral and religious beliefs; beliefs that are contrary to what America should quot;believequot;. However, such a debate has been apparent in the American marketplace of ideas before with the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s. With the illegality of alcohol the mafia could produce liquor and therefore had considerable control over those who wanted their substance and service. The role that the mafia played in the 1920s has transformed into the corner drug dealers and
Monday, December 23, 2019
Marjane Satrapi s Story Of The Complete Persepolis Essay
Imagine a child growing up in a war-torn country, and imagine them having no idea where she or he fits in all this. This child at first holds onto their religion because it is safe and the only thing solid in their crumbling world. Yet, this too will be taken from the child. Now lost and confused the child must find their way in an unfriendly world. This is not a fictitious story. This is an actual event that happened to the author of The Complete Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi, the author of The Complete Persepolis, grew up during the 1979 Revolution. This event changed many people’s lives, either it was for the better or worse is hard to say. Nevertheless, it influenced Satrapi s whole life. In the book, Satrapi expresses her childhood memories through her eyes as a child. Her experiences and ancestry can be clearly shown throughout the whole book. Satrapi’s family background/past, her parent’s perspective and her own life experiences in foreign countries have cau sed her to grow and evolved throughout the years. Satrapi’s family background is very rich in history and in wealth. The ancestry that Satrapi knew and understood gave her a response of support for the 1979 Revolution. As time went on, however, her options began to change. Her heritage is told in little stories throughout the whole beginning half of the book. The first story Satrapi learns about that changes her option and viewpoint is the story about her great grandfather. This story is promoted with young SatrapiShow MoreRelatedPersepolis Assignment1402 Words  | 6 Pages Satrapi states in the introduction of the 2004 Pantheon version of The Complete Persepolis that Iran, an â€Å"old and great civilization[,] has been discussed mostly in connection with fundamentalism, fanaticism, and terrorism.†She expresses that, â€Å"as an Iranian who has lived more than half of [her] life in Iran, [she] know[s] that this image is far from the truth. This is why writing Persepolis was so important to [her]. [She] believe[s] that an entire nation should not be judged by the wrongdoingsRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1552 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the idea of inequality is introduced through several examples. Marjane Satrapi uses the title to comment on inequality in all aspects of Marjane’s life, including gender, religious, economic, and racial status. Although there are several forms of inequality that the title attempts to highlight within the story, it focuses primarily o n the issues of gender inequality by comparing the issues that Marjane faces due to her gender and comparing itRead More Marjane Satrapis Persepolis3668 Words  | 15 PagesIn the 1970s a great power struggle began in Iran, leading to a profusion of civil unrest and mass emigration. In 1941 Iranian monarch Reza Shah, was removed from power by the United States and replaced by his son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who Westernized the highly conservative and religious nation. He continued implementing the Westernized laws set by his father, which were known to discouraged democratic political expression in the public sphere and condemned Islamic fundamentalismRead MoreThe Iranian Revolution And The Islamic Revolution Essay1330 Words  | 6 Pagesbecause he believed that it was best for Iranian people. Most of the women were involved in the demonstration of wearing the veil has some western education. The Islamic revolution wanted things to go back on the Islamic culture. Based on the complete Persepolis, in 1979, a revolution took place, and later called â€Å"The Islamic Revolution†. This is the period they were forcing people to do what they don’t want to do. The female was also forced to wear the veil in the school. Education will change a countryRead MoreThe Islamic Revolution And The Iranian Revolution Essay1379 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieved that it was best for the Iranian people. Most of the women’s were involved in the demonstration of wearing the veil has some western education. The Islamic revolution wanted things to go back to the original Islamic culture. Bas ed on the Complete Persepolis, in 1979, a revolution took place and later called â€Å"The Islamic Revolution†. This is the period they were forcing people to do what they don’t want to do. The women were also forced to wear the veil including the school girls. Being EducatedRead MoreThe Women Behind The Veil2291 Words  | 10 Pageswomen in Iran’s contemporary culture. For this purpose, the veil, which is worn by Iran women, is often identified as a symbol of obedience, respect or modesty which is otherwise an example of an oppressed patriarchal society. Author Marjane Satrapi’s novel Persepolis, exposes the regime behind this oppression of the Iran woman and compares western cultural expectations to that of Iranian culture. Yet, even behind the confinements of the veil many women are finding ways to rebel against the IranianRead MoreIranian Education During The Islamic Revolution Essay1379 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieved that it was best for the Irani an people. Most of the women were involved in the demonstration of wearing the veil has some western education. The Islamic revolution wanted things to go back to the original Islamic culture. Based on the Complete Persepolis, in 1979, a revolution took place and later called â€Å"The Islamic Revolution†. This is the period they were forcing people to do what they don’t want to do. The women were also forced to wear the veil including the school girls. Being EducatedRead MoreThe Women Behind The Veil2301 Words  | 10 Pageswomen in Iran’s contemporary culture. For this purpose, the veil, which is worn by Iran women, is often identified as a symbol of obedience, respect or modesty which is otherwise an example of an oppressed patriarchal society. Author Marjane Satrapi’s novel Persepolis, exposes the regime behind this oppression of the Iran woman and compares western cultural expectations to that of Iranian culture. Yet, even behind the confinements of the veil many women are finding ways to rebel against the IranianRead MoreThe Feminist Movement By Marjane Satrapi2711 Words  | 11 Pages1900’s, conversely, has sparked a worldwide effort by women to fight for more freedoms equality, known as the feminist movement. The feminist movement follows the feminist theory, which provides an outline of the inequalities and oppressions women face. Women’s roles in the workplace, home and in society have vastly changed since this feminist push. It is the result of grassroots movements and individual efforts that has allowed women to gain more power and parity. In Persepolis, by Marjane SatrapiRead MoreThe And Flow Of Ideas About God And Religion Throughout The Life Of Marjane Satrapi1530 Words  | 7 Pagesabout God and religion throughout the life of Marjane Satrapi, the author of the autobiographical novel Persepolis, is made very clear in her novel. As she is introduced to new thoughts and experiences, her ideas cha nge. When her parents expose her to their communist ideas begins to value her relationship with god less. When things return back to normal she returns. It is not until a series of fairly traumatic events that she drifts completely away. Satrapi uses Illustrations of her and God as a metaphor
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Free Essays
The novel Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, is set in turn-of-the-century New England, in the fake town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. During this time, both men and women were torn between duty and morality, and personal desire. People were expected to follow the societal norms, which although plagued them, were deemed as correct and proper. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton or any similar topic only for you Order Now This social constraint placed on individuals cause them to make the decision of whether to be accepted by society, or whether to be happy. During this time, society was trapped in a web of their own formed ideas and opinions. It is this constant struggle between desire and what is socially acceptable that drives the main theme of Edith Wharton’s novel. In the novel Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome is faced with conflicts that cause him to make a decision between social morals, and the fulfillment of his desires to establish Wharton’s theme that society and conformity acts as a restriction on happiness. Ethan’s sense of responsibility first comes into conflict with his strong desire to leave Starkfield and pursue a career in engineering. But with the recent death of his father, he is forced to return to Starkfield and run the family farm while continuing to provide for his ailing wife. This becomes apparent in the prologue, when the Narrator’s discovery of his interest in the sciences indicates that Ethan had dreams that were never fulfilled. His inner need for knowledge and learning, almost â€Å"frozen†under a shroud of a life of simplicity and staticity, is without a doubt a consequence of â€Å"†¦ too many winters. †(13) spent in Starkfield. This negation of his aspirations causes him to live with a sense of regret that plagues him, and drastically effects his future decisions. During the prologue, Harmon Gow tells the Narrator that â€Å"Most of the smart ones get away. †(13), and immediately starts to wonder as to why Ethan Frome is still residing in Starkfield. The truth is that Ethan, being as intelligent and as motivated as he is, did try to leave Starkfield in the pursuit of a fulfilling career in engineering, but was trapped by the harsh grasp of conformity in the form of the Frome Farm. This failure to accomplish his ambitions gives his persona a tone of remorse, and by extension, the entire novel. The conflict strengthens the theme in the way it shows that if he would have followed his dreams of studying engineering, his life would have played out much differently. It is best put in the words of the famous poet John Whittier (1807-1892) when he said â€Å"For of all the sad words of tongue or pen/The saddest are these: ‘It might have been! ’†. Ethan Frome’s conflict between running away with Mattie and staying and caring for Zeena is the main factor that drives Wharton’s theme that conformity to society acts as a restriction on happiness. Wharton depicts Zeena as old, cold, and insensitive while Mattie is warm, loving, kind, and most importantly, a much more fitting wife for Ethan. Symbolism is used in the form of Mattie’s red scarf to give Mattie a sense of life and loving warmth, while at the same time giving Zeena a colder appearance. Therefore, Wharton makes Ethan’s desire to leave his ghastly wife for another woman considerate in the eyes of the reader. Yet, just like in the case of his engineering career, Ethan cannot bear to leave Zeena, on the account that society would severely frown upon a husband that abandons his sickly wife. He is torn between following what he knows is the â€Å"right†thing to do, and following what he knows will make him happy. It is important to note that his love for Mattie never faltersâ€â€The conflict is external, not internal. He is afraid of what people would think, and not whether or not he loves Mattie. Although he has one night alone with Mattie, he cannot stop thinking about all of the responsibilities placed on him. His strong desire for Mattie eventually leads to the shattering of his marriage, which is symbolized by the shattering of Zeena’s prized wedding red pickle dish. Time and time again, Wharton shows how society has oppressed Ethan to neglect his aspirations. Even when Ethan has the opportunity to elope with Mattie to the west, his morals keep him from lying to his neighbors to secure the sufficient amount of money to go. These failures in following his own desire weaken him, and force him to live a life of submissiveness to the wills of society. His desire to conform restricts his happiness. He felt as if he would never be able to escape the clutch of society, and be with Mattie. In the end, Ethan can no longer deal with the troubles of life and makes the rash decision to abandon life entirely when he decides to go â€Å"Right into the big elm†(130) with Mattie. As they are coasting down the side of the slope, he becomes mentally encumbered with all of the responsibilities that he would be leaving behind, and becomes distracted. Again, implying that even Ethan’s greatest attempt to escape from the clutches of society has failed. Instead, he severely cripples both himself and Mattie, forcing them to return to the farm and live like Zeena. In a way, he did succeed in killing both himself and Mattie. Mattie got her wish to go down in the sled â€Å"So’t we’ll never come up any more†(130), because they did not come up anymoreâ€â€At least not in spirit. Society did not allow them to die that day, instead, suffer through a forming of living death that will never grant them the happiness they desired in death. How to cite Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Leading Tour Operators in the UK Thomson Holiday Group
Question: Discuss about the leading tour operators in the UK for Thomson Holiday Group? Answer: Introduction Background of the Company Thomson Holiday Group is one of the leading tour operators in the UK. The organization provides accommodation facilities, travelling convenience, quality food and other services to its customer base. The destinations provided by the organization have exquisite reviews. The company was established in 1965 and has attained growth throughout the years (Thomson.co.uk 2016). Thomson is owned by the parent company Touristik Union International (TUI) Group (Thomson.co.uk 2016). The company manages over 18,000 employees to serve its customers effectively (Thomson.co.uk 2016). Thomson has the leading and biggest travel website in the UK (Thomson.co.uk 2016). The TUI Group, owner of Thomson Holidays posted earnings of around 740million in 2014 (Hopkins 2015). The selling price rose by 1 percent (Hopkins 2015). The profit levels of the company rose by 4% to 612m in 2014 (Rojas 2014). Thomson Holiday Group reported an increase in the market share by 15% due to improved sales, decreased losses an d increased direct distribution (Travelmole.com 2016). Customers Customers are the core and integral part of any business. Thomson aims at understanding the needs and wants of its customer base. The company aims to satisfy its customers by providing high quality products and services. The company attracts customers through both physical stores and online distribution network. The passengers are attracted from across the world through efficient distribution channels (Thomson.co.uk 2016). Market Thomson Holiday group is the market leader in the package holiday and caters millions of holiday makers annually. The primary market group that turn in to derive products and services of Thomson Holiday Group are the couples and the wealthier families. The company emphasizes on providing attractive lifestyle holidays to the customer base (Rankin 2013). Values The most desirable factor by the customers from Thomson is the overall holiday experience. Thomson values its customers by providing good holiday destinations, accommodations and travel experiences. The organization believes in teamwork and achieves brilliant results through development opportunities. The organization constantly looks for improvement to grow the business and spread smiles by creating exclusive holiday experiences (TUI 2016). Situation Analysis Macro-environment Thomson Holiday Group is affected by political forces such as terrorist attacks (Ukinbound.org 2016). The economic factors such as unemployment and social forces such as price-sensitivity also affect the economy (Allen and Inman 2015). The cultural forces such as national culture, technological forces such as online distribution network, legal forces such as trade laws and environmental forces such as pollution affects the economy (Caa.co.uk 2016). Micro-environment The threat of new entrants is low as it requires heavy investment. Threat of substitutes is low as there are no close substitutes to travelling. Bargaining power of suppliers is moderate as TUI acts as its own suppliers. Bargaining power of buyers is low as there is low product differentiation dismantling the switching cost. Intensity of rivalry is moderate as the competition has high fixed cost and high variations in market shares of incumbents (Page 2012). Internal Analysis Thomson group has a large product and service portfolio, efficient internal control systems, geographical divisions, goal-oriented strategy, market knowledge of staffs, transformative leadership and highly qualified staff (TUI Group 2013). SWOT Analysis The organization has various strengths such as strong brand image and global reach of services. The organization has dissatisfied customers due to non-flexibility of packages. Thomson has opportunities to expand in other countries. It also experiences threat from other operators and increasing fuel costs. Key Issues The key issues faced by Thomson are: Developing customer intimacy Health of the brand Innovation (Refer Appendix 1, 2, 3 and 4). Structure of the Market The target size is 10 million customers and it targets middle-level income customers. Thomson Holiday Group is surrounded by competitors as there is intense rivalry in the tourism market. The major competitors as determined in the results by the Telegraph Travel Awards, 2014 are Trailfinders, HF Holidays, Scenic Tours and various others (The Telegraph 2014). SMART Objectives A set of SMART objectives are set for marketing Thomson Holiday Group as under: To establish Thomson Holiday Group as a global travel operator and increase presence in other countries within 2 years. To increase profitability by 15% within 1 year. To increase market share by 15% within 1.5 years (Wedel and Kamakura 2012). To expand the travel destination of airlines to Asian and African countries and increase revenue by 20% within 2 years. To increase environmental sustainability by reducing pollution by 25% within 1 year. To increase customer loyalty to 80% within 1 year (Hollensen 2015). As identified in the presentation, the marketing plan must focus on three factors- customers, brand image and innovation. The above SMART targets would help in increasing global reach to customers. Currently, the physical stores are established in the UK. Thomson may target to expand its physical stores to Asian and African countries. The brand image can be enhanced by improving environmental concerns and using biodiesel fuel in the airlines. This would help in reducing pollution and increase sustainability. With innovative products and services, the product and service portfolio can be increased. With increase in packages available to customers, the market share can be enhanced (Weinman 2012). Thomson can utilize the exclusive market and research team to conduct customer assessment. Strategic decisions can be taken regarding reinventing the product and service portfolio. Customer loyalty can be enhanced and they can be retained through innovative products and services (Wedel and Kamakura 2012). Strategies Ansoff Matrix The Ansoff matrix can be used for reviewing other strategic alternatives available to the company. (Refer Appendix 6). Market Penetration- A new market segment can be entered exclusively for men, women and solo travellers by adding related products and services. New geographical markets such as Asian and African countries can be penetrated (Taylor 2012). Product Development- Products can be developed by increasing the range of portfolio with several packages for men, women and solo travellers (Schawel and Billing 2012). Market Development- Thomson being a leader in the travel industry can provide consultancy services to other organizations in the same domain (Schawel and Billing 2012). Diversification- Thomson with its rich experience in tourism sector can venture into the educational sector where they can establish colleges of hotel management, hospitality management, tourism management or marketing management (Taylor 2012). Porters Generic Strategies Thomson can create cost leadership by creating low-cost position with high accuracy in demand pattern. Differentiation Strategy can be created by charging lower prices from the customers instead of premium prices. Focus strategy can be used to target specific customers such as high income and middle income consumers. Thomson can charge lower prices from price sensitive customers and higher from rich ones. Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Thomson Holiday group mostly has packages for luxurious holidays, family packages and couples. It can be concluded that the primary market segments focused by Thomson are upper income level consumers as the packages are wealthy. The packages are mostly meant for family and couples. It indicates that the product mainly attracts Thomson can consider designing holiday packages specifically for women and men or solo travellers with middle-income level (Wedel and Kamakura 2012). Geographic Segmentation Thomson provides services to people across the world online and there are physical stores established in the UK. However, the airline by Thomson provides services to various countries. The company can consider opening stores in Asian and African countries to serve a larger customer base. The flight destinations can be increased and diversified so that services can be provided according to the national culture (Hollensen 2015). Psychographic Segmentation Thomson mainly serves customers with luxurious lifestyle and high social class. Thomson can consider price designing so that not only the people with luxurious lifestyle can be involved, but that of the standard lifestyle can also afford the products and services (Ho Kim et al. 2013). Behavioural Segmentation The customer base can be divided into groups of knowledge, uses and responses to a particular product or service. Thomson can revise its product portfolio and come up with packages that would suit needs of majority of customers. Different price slabs and destination can be made according to the behaviour of the customers (Guo et al. 2013). Targeting The primary target market of the brand is the wealthy income group, couples and family groups. The Cruise, Villas and hotels are expensive and it creates strong brand value for the company. Thomson Holiday group can consider targeting 10 million people annually (TUI Travel Plc 2013). The consumers targeting strategy can be adopted as differentiated strategy. Thomson can create multiple campaigns for appealing more than two market segments or target groups. Campaigns can be designed for various groups like mens group, womens group or solo travellers who are not willing to select a luxurious holiday. Destinations can be chosen for this group of people in a manner that appeals these target groups individually (Kapferer 2012). Positioning Thomson Holidays involves positioning of the group as luxurious holiday-makers. The company positions itself as a holiday solution provider and holiday destination manager. Currently, Thomson follows product characteristics and customer benefits currently. It may enhance and develop its strategy by providing them with a new portfolio for a group of men or women willing to spend a holiday. However, Thomson is designed for wealthy customers. It may consider pricing as a strategy where it may deliberately offer more number of services at the same price. The price-quality approach must be considered by the company for wealthy consumers and differentiated prices can be provided to the middle-income level consumers (Mahatoo 2015). Tactics According to the STP Analysis, price-quality approach can be considered and new categories can be created for men and women to improve market share. The Marketing Mix would help in achieving the issues or ideas addressed in STP analysis. Marketing Mix (7Ps) Marketing mix is used as the business tool to determine the product and services offered by the brand. An extended marketing mix is presented using the 7P model as recommendation to Thomson Holiday Group for achieving the SMART target mentioned in earlier section. (Refer Appendix 5). Product As discussed earlier, the products and services offered by Thomson Holiday group are focused on couples, wealthy consumers and family groups. New products and service packages can be designed specifically for men, women and solo travellers. Men As men are fond of adventures, special packages can be introduced exclusively for a group of men willing to spend a holiday. Exclusive packages can be offered to them as they have a greater necessity of adventure sports and less of a luxurious holiday (Falzon 2012). Women As women are mostly fond of spending quality time together, exclusive packages including stylish restaurants, fantastic sightseeing can be offered to prospective customers who can afford to spend more. However, packages for women can be designed for adventurous women with convenient accommodation facilities (Falzon 2012). Solo travellers Solo travellers mostly seek adventure and are not fond of accommodation. Best packages can be designed for single travellers that involve more of adventure activities and dining, however, fewer options can be provided for accommodation to balance the cost (Sotiriadis and Apostolakis 2015). Price Thomson currently follows price-quality approach. The company has a tendency to charge more from the customers based on services provided. For penetrating into new markets such as Asian and African countries, Thomson can follow penetration pricing. It would help Thomson in entering into the foreign markets easily by establishing physical stores. Competitive pricing may also be followed for entering into the foreign markets as there are other travel operators who have reputational image for their pricing. Value-based pricing can be used for the above mentioned product segments designed for men, women and solo travellers. The consumers must not have a perception of quality compromise in new portfolio of products and services (Falzon 2012). Place The physical stores are currently established in the UK. The physical stores can be established in Asian and African countries as there is high scope of business. The online distribution channel may add new products and service packages designed for every country to match with the national culture. The customers would embrace making in the culture of destination country. The website can also be enhanced in the national language of each country so that it is easier for customers to understand the local language who are not fluent in English. Direct marketing strategy must be used so that there are no intermediaries and products are sold directly to the customers (Sotiriadis and Apostolakis 2015). Promotion The promotional mix is divided into various sub-parts as there are different strategies that can be used to market Thomson Holiday Group. Advertising- Thomson can make use of elements such as radio, travel magazines, newspapers, billboards and other media sources for advertising the company. Advertisements can help in gaining attention of customers. The advertisements can be made visually attractive so that customers can consider the brand in planning their future holidays (Sotiriadis and Apostolakis 2015). Personal Selling- Sales presentations, meetings and packages can be designed for tying-up with corporate such as restaurants, railways, airlines and other partners that would increase direct sales (Goodall and Ashworth 2013). Sales promotion- Coupons, contest, rebates, trade shows and exhibitions can be designed to increase revenue and gain attention of the potential customer base. Special discounts can be offered based on seasonality of the destination (Falzon 2012). Public Relations- Thomson must aim to improve relations with the public by corporate social responsibilities and taking initiatives to save the environment. The airlines must increase the usage of biodiesel fuel so as to reduce pollution and increase sustainability. Press releases can be made for the same (Falzon 2012). Internet Marketing- Internet marketing tools such as search engine optimization, search engine marketing, blogging and various others can be used for increasing visibility of the company. Social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube can be used by posting visually attractive images, catchy slogans and videos to increase customer engagement (Goodall and Ashworth 2013). Process Thomson can allow better services by enhancing communication with the customers. The existing and potential customer base must be targeted by the company and reviews must be derived. Processes must be improved by providing customized service (Falzon 2012). Physical Evidence Physical evidence includes decors, brochures, furnishing and air-conditioning. The physical stores must ensure that they provide brochure to every single customer visiting them for inquiry. The internal decors must have different themes such as deserts, underwater and various others that may be appealing to the customers. High quality furnishing must be used in the stores and destinations (Goodall and Ashworth 2013). People People refer to the employees, customer and management that are involved with Thomson Holiday Group. Thomson must devise ways to retain their people by sustaining employees. Training, job enrichment and job motivation must be provided to the employees. With satisfied employees and management, better services can be provided to the customers (Ashworth and Goodall 2012). Actions The report represents various aspects and factors of the tourism industry in the UK. The discussion shows that the present economic, political, social and legal factors of the country are favourable to the tourism sector and in this context there are various opportunities for Thomson Group. The company today has become one of the market leaders by its strong strategic and financial support. This report shows that there is various diversified business opportunity for the company in near future. So, this report concludes that by leveraging social, economic, technological benefits and with the help of valuable market knowledge company can beat all its competitors in near future. Controls Exclusive packages for men, women and solo travellers can be designed. The physical stores can be established in Asian and African countries as there is high scope of business. Enter foreign markets through penetrative pricing, value-based pricing and competitive pricing. Training, job enrichment, recruitment of new talent and job motivation must be provided to the employees for better customer service. References Allen, K. and Inman, P., 2015.UK jobless rate falls to 5.6%, lowest since 2008. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/apr/17/uk-jobless-rate-hits-lowest-since-2008-unemployment-falls [Accessed 1 Apr. 2016]. Baran, M., 2014.Technology presents challenges and opportunity for tour guides: Travel Weekly. [online] Travelweekly.com. Available at: https://www.travelweekly.com//Travel-News/Tour-Operators/Tour-tech [Accessed 1 Apr. 2016]. Caa.co.uk, 2016.Civil Aviation Authority. [online] Caa.co.uk. Available at: https://www.caa.co.uk/home/ [Accessed 1 Apr. 2016]. Falzon, J., 2012. The price competitive position of Mediterranean countries in tourism: Evidence from the Thomson brochure.Tourism Management,33(5), pp.1080-1092. 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Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Charge of the light brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson and Conquerors by Henry Treece Essays
Charge of the light brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson and Conquerors by Henry Treece Essays Charge of the light brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson and Conquerors by Henry Treece Paper Charge of the light brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson and Conquerors by Henry Treece Paper Essay Topic: Literature Charge of the light brigade is a poem written by Alfred Lord Tennyson. The queen appointed him Poet Laureate and so therefore this poem is very patriotic and describes the soldiers as heroes and doesnt go into detail about how they died and doesnt use gruesome details because hes trying to keep the moral up. Conquerors though is the opposite. It is a poem written by Henry Treece who was actually in the war and he recollects when he came back from fighting and came across a small abandoned village where he illustrates the destruction of war and how it affects innocent people. Therefore this poem highlights the negative impacts and is propaganda against the war. Charge of the light brigade is about the Crimean war in southern Russia and it outlines both the heroism and obedience of the troops but also the stupidity of war. He wrote this poem for people to remember this famous event but also not to forget the lessons that should be learnt from it, the destruction of mistaken orders. But also to boost the moral and letting people at home know whats going on. He did this by writing the poem as a ballad with simple stanzas, with simple language with regular rhyme and rhythm. In the first few lines of the first verse the phrase half a league is repeated three times one after another because it gives the image of galloping on horses which is what theyre doing. On lines 4 and 8 there is also repetition of the phrase rode the six hundred. The six hundred being the soldiers and therefore emphasising how many lives went to waste. On line 6 Tennyson uses speech Forward the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns! as though an order was being given out showing you what itd be like being there and showing the soldiers trusted their officer and did what he said. And then on line 7 it tells us they are riding into the valley of death, which shows they were doomed from the start and had no hope. The command Forward the light Brigade! is repeated at the start of verse 2 to show that the officers were confident of what they were doing unaware they were wrong, maybe thinking themselves better then who they were. Tennyson then asks the question Was there a man dismayed? to show the loyalty and obedience of the soldiers giving them respect because they were ignorant of what was going to happen. Tennyson then tells us that someone has blundered showing that a mistake had occurred and that things were wrong. Even though a mistake had been made the soldiers do not question their orders, and this is shown on lines 5-7 where it writes Theirs not to-make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die. This then gives the soldiers respect and insults the generals for leading others, not themselves to death, but also shows the honour of the soldiers that they are willing to die for their country. When the men reach the valley it claims there was a cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them, which creates suspense in that they were out numbered and were doomed. Then the pace of the poem increases with strong verbs such as volleyed, thundered, stormed and boldly and that also creates noise and havoc. There is also alliteration on line 5 Stormed at with shot and shell and strong metaphors jaws of death, mouth of hell that emphasises how terrible war was but doesnt highlight the gruesome parts. In the first few lines of the forth verse the word flashed is repeated and so gives the effect of lots of movement and everything is chaos. Tennyson also uses the word sabre meaning a broad sword and that shows the date of the poem. Tennyson describes the Light Brigade as sabring the gunners there and that shows that the British had swords whereas the Russians had cannons, indicating it wasnt a fair fight but also how terrifying it must have been for the soldiers realising someone had made a mistake. On the eleventh and twelfth lines Tennyson delicately and subtly describes their death by writing Then they rode back, but not the six hundred. This doesnt bombard us with facts or figures of how many soldiers lost their lives but just claims that not everyone rode back, so as to keep the moral up because he was writing to be patriotic as a Poet Laureate. Verse 5 is very similar to verse three in that exact lines are repeated cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them but in the third verse it tells us there was a cannon in front of them but the difference in the fifth verse is that there was a cannon behind the m this then shows us without telling that the soldiers are now fleeing and have turned around. The verse also uses past tense such as fought, which tells us theyre not fighting anymore and changes the lines into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell from the third verse, into came through the jaws of death, back from the mouth of hell that shows they are returning. In the final verse Tennyson is very complimentary about the soldiers, asking, When can their glory fade? which is patriotic, and tells us to honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade. This then indicates we should honour the soldiers but not war, for the soldiers were just told what to do and should not be blamed for their own death. The last line is then patriotic to end the poem with Noble six hundred again praising the soldiers but saying nothing of the generals and therefore boosting moral and making people want to join the forces not because they wish to die but to have a life to be proud of and people to honour them. Conquerors is a memory of the poet, and the atmosphere of the poem is subdued because it tells us of the negative aspects of war. The poem differs then in the way that the first poem Charge of the Light Brigade deals with the war going on at the time and how we should be patriotic whereas Conquerors describes the aftermath and how we should deal with the consequences. The poem has no regular rhyme or rhythm for otherwise it would take the focus away from the sombre atmosphere and the message it is trying to convey. In the first line it tells us by sundown we came to a hidden village and that portrays that theyve been travelling all day and maybe a few days on their way back from war. It writes the air was still which is a contrast from war which theyve just experienced, and no sound met our tired ears not only shows us the men are tired but also how loud the war must have been and how it would have strained the ears and so they are going from extremes. Treece then uses onomatopoeia to describe the surroundings such as drip and swinging and also pathetic fallacy to mirror the soldiers feelings blackened trees, broken pane, drip of rain. Treece then describes a dead bird in a rusting cage, which highlights the destruction war caused on innocent victims such as this bird. It then tells us they hurried through the weed-grown streets, which is not only descriptive but shows they didnt want to stay and see all the destruction they had caused by fighting or winning the war and to see what had happened because of them, and making them feel guilty so enjoying the success of their conquest but poignantly ignoring the consequences for success heroism and winning are perceived as virtues whereas death destruction and upset as sins, but in a war situation these virtues and sins are inevitably intertwined to such a degree to make them in separable, and as the poem here points out, different eyes will see or ignore different parts. This feeling of this part of the poem is quite different to that of Lord Tennyson due to the fact that the writer was involved in the horrors that he was writing and was concerned in the reality of war and not the glory of it. Then it goes on to say that a gaunt dog started up from some dark place, this illustrates the dog isnt used to visitors and again the harm war had caused on innocent animals because it was so thin and Treece also uses a simile to show how important this is; legs as thin as sticks. Then proclaims it shambled. into the wood, to die at last in peace and that outlines how the dog had suffered if death was better than living. The next line no-one had told us victory was like this is probably the most important line of the poem, for it is the message of the poem and it is why Treece wrote it. It is enlightening us of the destruction winning a war causes and because we won the war the problem becomes our responsibility. For at the time you do not think of anything else and you are ignorant of side effects. On lines fifteen and sixteen Treece exposes that not one amongst us would have eaten bread before hed filled the mouth of the grey child and this presents that the soldiers didnt want to cause this suffering even though they did because they fought, but were oblivious to what was happening to non-fighting citizens. The last line there was not one who did not think of home gives you an idea that the men are not only homesick but also hoping nothing as devastating as this has happened at their home, to their families. The poem ends gloomily trying to make you think about the negative aspects and dire consequences of war but also that war doesnt just end when the fighting stops but leaves a dark shadow of suffering for a long time after. And the title Conquerors uses irony in that conquerors usually springs happiness to mind but this poem shows what people do to become conquerors. Here then we have two very different poems, but with the same subject because they were written for two different reasons. Charge of the Light Brigade being written by the poet laureate is patriotic and meant to promote high moral whereas Conquerors is written by Treece who has experienced the horrors first hand and wants to make people more aware of wars consequences.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Summarize the Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Summarize the Article - Essay Example The authors found that sleep difficulty are common in older individuals and are significantly associated with more severe and disseminated pain. This study rather did not find that pain severity was associated with age but recognized that more research is needed to develop effective interactions for these prevalent and co-occurring disabling conditions. Furthermore Dysfunction of the hypothalamic pituitary- adrenal axis was found to be associated with greater risk of developing chronic widespread pain (Qian, 2011). This study showed that, after adjustment for use of psychotherapeutic medications and the daily anesthetics, the connotation between pain and sleep difficulties decreased modestly A number of mechanisms like Chronic pain characteristics maybe an important factor contributing to the sleep difficulties amongst aged and may need to be added to pain assessment in older persons. The medications prescribed for chronic pain and promting sleep have analgesic and sedating effects. Chen, Qian, et al. "Characteristics of chronic pain associated with sleep difficulty in older adults: The Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect, and Zest in the Elderly (MOBILIZE) Boston study." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 59.8 (2011):
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management and Supervision Today Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management and Supervision Today - Assignment Example A supervisor is the person responsible for managing the assigned team and to ensure enough productivity (Management help, n.d.). A supervisor is also a part of the management of an organization. However they are also employees of the organization but hold some power and authority to facilitate some courses of action. A supervisor in general has the following authority within the organization. Provide instruction as well as orders to the team members in order to accomplish a task or carrying out a particular course of action. A supervisor is also held responsible for any under performance of the team members. He / She is also liable to answer the higher authorities about the issues related to work. In the context of the project an article has been chosen, which will demonstrate the dilemmas faced by the supervisors and how they manage employees. The article is by Laurie Weiss, Ph.D. and titled as ‘A Tricky Supervision Challenge’. The article was published in CRM Learning in the year 2012. The article offers a real scenario about how a supervisor has able to overcome a complicated situation. Hence this article is regarded as the most appropriate one purpose of conducting the study. A Tricky Supervision Challenge: A brief Overview The author feels that many managers or supervisors think that treating their team members as responsible will help to exhibit superior standard of work. However this is not the scenario for every manager. In this article the author stresses about a real incident which revolves around an Ellen, supervisor of a rehabilitation hospital unit and one of his team members namely Angelique. The supervisor point out the problems she is facing to direct Angelique due to her lack of seriousness. The supervisor describes that whenever she gives her some direction, she pretends to understand it, but does the work when she wishes to do so. This is a serious violation of the rules and regulation. The supervisor also emphasized that Angeliq ue frequently remains absent from her duties. Even on verbal warnings she did not even bother to feel sorry and assure to rectify it. However after getting the written notice she cried and assured to put it right, but still the story remains same. This has given rise to the power struggle between both of them. Such situation has given rise to micro management. However later Ellen revealed that Angelique was already on micro management. It is about close observation and managing the employees with more control. The supervisor then tried many different ways for guiding Angelique to work properly, but all the attempts were fall down. Finally Ellen developed a plan, which was the only way out to resolve the issue. Ellen decided to warn Angelique that if she does not maintain the working rules and regulations i.e. working forty hours in a week will lead to termination from work. Now it was all in the hands of Angelique and the manager could feel relaxed (CRM Learning, 2012). Relationship of the article with supervision and management The article has a strong view point in respect with supervision and managerial capabilities. It states that only treating the employees as responsible always does not work. Some employees need stiff consequences for carrying out their task. Some employees like to work according to their wish, but even working according to thei
Monday, November 18, 2019
Parenthood the Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Parenthood the Movie - Essay Example One of the most fundamental themes of the movie Parenthood is that people become more responsible in their duties towards their spouses as well as children with the passage of time. Gil has a very loving relationship with his wife Karen. Gil has grown up under the supervision of his workaholic father. Due to the limited control such a person can exercise upon his children, the children assume immense tendency to become spoiled. Realizing this and not willing to grow up his children the way his father did his siblings and him, Gil does not want to be workaholic. He wants to find time for his children to give them the best upbringing that he can. Gil and Karen have three children. Kaven is their eldest child. He has an emotional problem due to which, he is considered in need of a therapy. Having gained an in-sight into the problems with his children, Gil takes all the blame for the problems of his children and becomes doubtful of the extent to which he has been successful in playing th e role of a responsible father. Gil is not sure whether he can provide his and Karen’s forth child that is yet not born with a happy lifestyle since he is financially not in a position to have another child. Helen and Garry are ex-husband and wife. Helen is a bank manager while Garry is a dentist. Garry has left Helen for some reason and is not concerned about his teenager children that he has had with Helen. Helen and Garry parent two children. The elder of the two is Julie who is 16 years old and the younger one is Garry who is 13 years old. The father and the son have the same name, i.e. Garry. One of the most touching and emotional scenes in the movie is the one in which Helen tells Garry that she knows his father better than Garry does, so she would suggest him not to shift with him. The son Garry has just entered the age of puberty and is exploring the world of sex in numerous ways. He is addicted to porn. He is disturbed mentally and generally remains quiet and uninvol ved in the social activities. Julie cultivates a hidden sexual affair with Tod who happens to be her drag-racer boyfriend. Julie is just in her high school and has had sex several times with Tod. Garry, on the other hand, carries around sexually explicit videos in a bag. Helen’s ex-husband Garry leaves Helen for another woman whom he marries and has a son with her. The encounter between Helen and her children is the worst among all parent-children encounters in the movie. At one occasion, Helen catches Garry masturbating. Despite knowing that it was masturbation, she comforts herself by thinking of it as drug abuse. In an attempt to console her son, Helen asks Tod to convince Garry that his obsession with the girls is quite normal and predictable of a boy who has just entered the teenage. Tod is able to achieve this. In the beginning, Helen did not consider Tod suitable for her daughter. Finding that Tod has managed to make Garry happy, Helens starts to cultivate a sense of r espect and admiration for Toad in her heart. Near the end of the movie, Julie and Tod get married. Julie becomes pregnant. The love marriage is caught in fumed arguments and fights analyzing which, the audience can tell that the marriage is difficult to last. However, Helen admires Tod so much that
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (HWSN) Management
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (HWSN) Management A Key Management Establishment Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (HWSN) Premamayudu B, Venkata rao K, and Suresh Varma P Abstract: Key management is the one of the fundamental requirement for securing the hierarchical wireless sensor networks (HWSN) and also prevents adversarial activities. This paper presents a new pairwise key management scheme using matrix for HWSNs. In HWSN, cluster headers are more powerful than cluster members in all the resources like power, storage, communication and processing data. This heterogeneity alleviates the overhead of cluster members during the key establishment. All the expensive computations can be given to cluster headers in the network. Compared with other popular key management schemes, our scheme has many advantages in consuming the resources. The experiment and analysis show that our scheme can maintain the full network connectivity, easy configuration management, neighbor cluster members directly establish pairwise keys during the communication and reduce storage overhead. Keywords: Pairwise key, Symmetric matrix, Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, Key establishment. 1. Introduction A wireless sensor networks build with a large number of sensors, which are equipped with batteries, sensing, communication unit, data processing and radio communication unit. At present any real time applications implementing on wireless sensor networks, like home automation, environment monitoring, military or security areas, targeting and target tracking systems, agriculture monitoring system and battlefield surveillance. However all the applications need protection in all the level of the sensor network. The wireless connectivity, the interaction among the sensor nodes, data gathering and query processing and physical protection. If the sensors are equipped with built-in tamper-resistance mechanisms, the memory chips are still suffering from various memory read-out vulnerabilities [1]. Key management is the mechanism to provide the security in all the levels of the wireless sensor networks. Since sensor nodes in WSNs have constrains in their computational power and memory capability and security. The solutions of traditional networks like computer networks, ad hoc networks, and wired networks are not suitable for WSNs. The goal of key management in WSNs is to solve the problem of creating, distributing and protecting those secret keys. Hence, the feasible and reliable techniques for key management and distribution of these keys are of major importance for the security in WSNs. The trusted server scheme [9] is not suitable for sensor networks because there is no trusted infrastructure in sensor networks. The self-enforcing scheme [10] is also not suitable due to the limited computation and energy resources of sensor nodes often make it undesirable to use public key algorithms, such as Diffie-Hellman key agreement. The third type of key agreement scheme is key pre-distribution. There exist a number of key predistribution schemes which do not depend on a priori deployment knowledge. A naive solution is to let all the nodes carry a master secret key. This scheme does not exhibit desirable network resilience: if one node is compromised, the security of the entire sensor network will be compromised. Another key pre-distribution scheme is to let each sensor carry N − 1 secret pairwise keys [3], each of which is known only to this sensor and one of the other N − 1 sensors (assuming N is the total number of sensors). The resilience of this scheme is per fect. But this scheme is impractical for sensors with an extremely limited amount of memory because N could be large. Moreover, adding new nodes to a pre-existing sensor network is difficult because the existing nodes do not have the new nodes’ keys. Eschenauer and Gligor [7], proposed a random key pre-distribution scheme each sensor node receives a random subset of keys from a large key space pool, to agree on a key for communication, two nodes find one common (shared) key within their subsets and use that key as their shared secret key. The problem with this scheme is that when we pick a large key pool, the connectivity of the sensor networks becomes low. In this paper, we will pick pairwise key pre-distribution scheme as the basic scheme and develop this scheme on the deployment model and show that knowledge regarding the sensor deployment can help us improve the performance of a pairwise key predistribution scheme. 2. Related Work The fundamental work is introduced by Blom, who proposed a KPS allowing any pair of nodes to establish pairwise key directly [12]. The set of keys generated from A.G in Blom’s Scheme as a key-space, Du et al.[13] improved Blom’s scheme using Vandermonde matrix G, and employing multiple key-space KPS. Nodes may be deployed following a pre-defined method in certain situations. In nodes deployment using pairplane [14], for example, sensors nodes are partitioned into a sequence of groups and dropped out of the pairplane sequentially as the airplane flies forward. It is easy to see that sensor groups that are dropped next to each other have a better chance to be close to each other after deployment. By exploiting deployment knowledge in such situations, Du et al. [14] extended Eschenauer-Gligor’s scheme and proposed a key management scheme. Du et al. further extended the scheme in [13] and proposed a new KPS using deployment knowledge [15]. Other relevant works include Eschenauer and Gligor’s random KPS [10], Chan et al.’s q-composite random KPS [11], etc. 3. Our Key Establishment Scheme in HWSNs 3.1. Network Model: There are three types of nodes in our key establishment scheme, namely Base Station (BS), Cluster Header (H-Sensor) and Cluster Member (L-Sensor). Base Station operated completely in secured environment. In the case of H-Sensor and L-Sensor are not operated in the secure area. If the sensor nodes are captured by adversaries, whole material can be accessible. We adopt the maximum energy cluster head (MECH) protocol for our network architecture [1]. As shown in Figure 1, in the MECH architecture, the sensors automatically organized into some clusters and act as two types of nodes in the network: cluster heads and cluster member nodes. In each cluster, one node as a H (H-Sensor) manages the it’s associated cluster and forward the information from member nodes to the base station (BS). MECH constructs clusters according to the radio signal range and the number of cluster nodes. The nodes distribution is more equally in all the clusters in the network. This distribution does not ex ceed a certain threshold. BS: Base Station H: Cluster Head L: Cluster Member Figure 1: Architecture of heterogeneous Sensor Networks 3.2. Assumptions (i) All nodes are static (ii) Each sensor has unique ID assigned by Base Station (iii) If a sensor is compromised, whole material in the node is accessible (iv)The Base Station can communicate with Cluster Heads 3.3. Basic Scheme Our scheme is completely variant form the Blom’s Scheme [12]. This scheme is completely modified in the way of usage and generating matrices. 3.3.1. System Setup There are N sensor nodes to be deployed in the network including Cluster Heads and Base Station, and ÃŽ » be the security parameter. Base Station selects N distinct key seeds s1,s2,†¦..,sN from the Finite Field GFq, where q is the prime number. Every seed si mapped with a identifier idi. Base Station generates a secret (ÃŽ »+1)Ãâ€"N matrix G G is a secret matrix in our scheme. It is compressed with selected seed from the Finite Field GFq. 3.3.2. Key pre-distribution (i) Base Station generates the secret symmetric matrix (ÃŽ »+1)Ãâ€"(ÃŽ »+1) form GFq, and Computes the public matrix A=(D.G)  T. (ii) Base Station pre loads each key seed si and its identifier idi to the ith sensor node including Cluster Heads and also stores ith row from the matrix A. 3.3.3. Pairwise Key Establishment After deployment, each sensor node broadcast its key seed identifier idi to its neighbors. Any two neighbor nodes can establish pairwise keys directly. Let the ith node and the jth node want to establish a pairwise key to secure the communication channel. Calculation at ith node: The ith column of matrix G using its key seed si: (si,si2,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.,siÃŽ »+1) And (aj1,aj2,†¦..,aj(ÃŽ »+1)) be the jth row of the matrix A, which loaded before deployment by BS. The ith node calculates the pairwise key with jth node denoted as kji. kij=(aj1,aj2,†¦..,aj(ÃŽ »+1)). (si,si2,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.,siÃŽ »+1) kij= Calculation at jth node: The jth sensor node calculate the jth column of matrix G using its key seed sj: (sj,sj2,sj3,†¦..,sjÃŽ »+1) And (ai1,ai2,†¦..,ai(ÃŽ »+1)) be the ith row of matrix A, loaded by the BS. The jth node calculate the pairwise key kij as kij= It remains to show that kij=kij, because the matrix k=A.G is a symmetric matrix. i.e kij calculated by the cluster member i is same as kij calculated by cluster member j. The same process is applied for cluster heads to establish pairwise key between them to establish secure communication. 4. Implementation 4.1. Setup Phase Let the number of nodes in the network be 6(N=6), Secure Property ÃŽ »=3, prime number q=29 and 6 distinct key seeds {5, 8, 15, 4, 2, 17} 4.2. Key pre-distribution Secret Symmetric matrix (D), Secretly stored in the Base Station (BS). A=(D.G)T mod 29 A= Once Matrix A is calculated, Base Station pre loads key seed and a row from the matrix A into sensor node based on its identifier. The rows of matrix A represent the private keys of each node. 4.3. Key Generation Suppose consider two nodes, node 1 and node 5 wish to communicate with each other. Then node 1 and 4 need to calculate the shared secret key(pairwise key). In order to calculate the pairwise key, node 1 will multiply the assigned row A(1) which is from A and column G(4) which is calculated from the seed key value of node 4. The seed key values is broadcasted each other during shared key generation. Similarly node 4 multiplies its row A(4) with the seed key value of node 1. K1,4=2596 mod 29 =15 K4,1=156905 mod 29=15 It is observed that both nodes generate a common key and further communication between them will make use of the pairwise key. The matrix K represents as shown below has the symmetric nature, because of the matrix D. Hence any pair of nodes can have the common key such that Ki,j=Kj,i. K=(A.G) mod 29 5. Analysis 5.1. Local Connectivity Local connectivity addresses the size of key space between any neighbors. In our scheme, any pair of nodes can directly establish the shared key, under assumptions noted in the proposed scheme. Our scheme local connectivity is 1. 5.2. Resilience against node capture attacks Our scheme is providing ÃŽ »-security property to the network. If more than ÃŽ » nodes are compromised then only it is possible to calculate the keys of others, which means that to find the k symmetric matrix. Even ÃŽ »-1 nodes compromised, it not possible to predicate the other node key seed values. Our scheme achieves a high level of resilience against node capture attacks. 5.3. Computation Complexity Our scheme needs 2ÃŽ »+1 multiplication operations in the field of GFq: ÃŽ » multiplications to calculate a column of G matrix with given key seed and ÃŽ »+1 multiplication to calculate the inner product of corresponding row-column pairs. Pairwise key establishment between neighbor nodes requires 2ÃŽ »+1 multiplication operations. If the ÃŽ » value is large to protect the network, it increases the computational complexity. We have made analysis between our scheme and Blom’s scheme on the computations complexity. From Fig. 2 we can see computations effort for 6 nodes under different Finite Field (FGq) ranging from 0-50, 0-100, 0-150, 0-200, 0-250, 0-300, 0-350. The analysis carried out with the network size of 6 nodes and security property (ÃŽ ») 3. Figure 2. Computational Complexity for a Network with 6 nodes 5.4. Communication Complexity In pairwise key establishment phase, sensor nodes need to broadcast a key seed identifier idi. All the materials required to generate pairwise key are loaded in the sensor node before deployment. But other key establishment schemes should perform other phases to generate a shared key between neighbors like path key establishment, rekeying, and broadcasting row values from the public matrix A. It leads to more communication overhead. But in case of our scheme has very low communication overhead. Compare to space complexity, our scheme consuming little more space than other schemes [5,6]. The space complexity depends on the value of ÃŽ », if the ÃŽ » value is reasonably small, then space complexity is very similar to the other schemes. 6. Conclusion This paper presents the new pairwise key establishment scheme for heterogeneous wireless sensor network using the symmetric propriety of matrices. Our scheme achieves very light communication and computation complexity. The nature of heterogeneity made reasonable results in the analysis. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Meaning of life Essay -- essays research papers
The True Meaning of Life What is the meaning of life? Well known Greek philosphers such as Socrates and Plato believed that our purpose in this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for the next life. Other Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life. After giving these ideas lots of thought, I have come to my own conclusion that the true meaning of life is far more complex than either of these; far too complex for any human to fully comprehend. In fact these two different philosophies are only part of the grand picture. If it were that easy for men to figure out our lives wouldn't be so messed up now. The meaning of life revolves around many different things. I think these things include: self-understanding, development of mind and soul, and an afterlife. According to Epicurus, pleasure was the meaning of life. His ideas of life were completely opposite of Plato. Epicurus, in my opinion was a little bit niave and narrow minded in his view on the subject. He would say that the meaning of likfe was to experience pleasure until the end of your existence. He did not believe in an afterlife or that a person had a soul that lived forever. He just thought when you are gone that's it. I disagree with all of that because I have many religious beliefs from which I derive the meaning of life. One of these beliefs is that there is life after death, and that there is one supreme being of the universe. This goes back to Aristotle's first mover theory. I would however agree that life is a balancing act between pain and pleasure; or good and evil. You can't have one without the other. For every thing in existence there is always something of opposition. Another ancient Greek philosopher was Socrates. Socrates said "the unexamined life is not worth living." I agree with this in a sense that if you can't look back at your life and be proud of your accomplishments, then everything that you ever did was in vain. You have to be able to look at the mistakes you have made and be able to learn from that or you are doomed to repeat those mistakes. Maybe on a deeper level Socrates might have been talking about analyizing the purpose of one's life. This in my opinion is just as important. I feel that in order for me to succeed in life I ha... ... of these different philosophers are not necessarily inaccurate, just incomplete. All peices to a puzzle that I have no way of fully figuring out. Socrates spoke of a higher good to be achieved. Nobody has seemed to accomplish this yet in life. There are so many obstacles that we face as we try to achieve a higher good. Many of these are based in the fact that we are human beings, and because of that are flawed by the ways of our culture. Things such as self-doubt, worry, ignorance, and the values put into our heads since the day we were born all are road blocks on our way to a higher level. Also being human beings makes vulnerable to the ways of the world around us, so it is not easy to block these things out of our lives. In a summary I believe this life to be stage in which we are to develop our minds, bodies, and souls to their highest potential in preparation for the afterlife. A person living by this philosophy would probably become a genius or great thinker. But like Eupic ures, Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato I could only form my own opinions of the subject. There isn't anyway for me to figure out whether I am right or wrong. Only God could ever really know the true meaning.
Monday, November 11, 2019
This report is focusing mainly on the identification of stakeholders in the canadian rockies, asses their inetrests, goals, and priorities in a sustainable way, assessing the effectiveness of current strategies for stakeholders management, Analyse it, focus on the level of power of each stakeholder. And finally, look into what their stake is, every stakeholder have a stake for which its level of interest is attached. Stakeholder is the group or the body that can affect or be affected directly or indirectly by the action of the business as a whole Bleasdale Module class 3rd week, and Stakeholders Analysis (SA) is the â€Å"identification of a projects key stakeholders, an assessment of their interests and the ways in which these interests affect project riskiness and viability†(DfiD, 1995). Buttresing this point on Stakeholders Analysis, Grimble and welllard define stakeholders analysis as â€Å"a historical approach or procedure for gaining an understanding of a system and assesing the impact of changes to that system†cited in Hardy and Beeton: pg175. And Freeman’s 1984 book Strategic Management – A Stakeholder Approach is often cited as the pivotal study that gave the Stakeholder analysis its momentum as an issue of importance in the organisational context (Freeman and McVea, 2001; Kaler, 2004). Sustainable tourism can simply be defined as Therefore, Canadian Stakeholders are very important when Tourism is critically analysed in Canada, Stakeholders are the most essential group that deal directly with the tourism of any country, proceeding to analysing powerful stakeholders in canada ranging from the the Aboriginals which are the indiginous first people, the Canadian Governments, Tourists, Host Community, Media, British columbia state Governments, Local Authorities and National Park Authorities just to mention a few.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Quotes for Remembrance Day
Quotes for Remembrance Day In 1915, Punch magazine published a John McCrae poem titled, In Flanders Fields. McCrae, a Canadian soldier, had served in the Second Battle of Ypres in Flanders, Belgium. He wrote, In Flanders Fields after a friend died in battle and was buried with a simple wooden cross as a marker. The poem described similar mass graveyards on the fields of Flanders, fields that were alive with red poppies but now filled with the corpses of dead soldiers. The poem highlights the irony of war, where a soldier dies so that a nation of people lives. John McCraes poem made poppies a symbol of the First World War, representing bloodshed. As a mark of respect, people lay wreaths of poppies on the graves of those who died at war. Many people wear red poppies on their lapels as a sign of remembrance. People also observe a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, Remembrance Day. Most places hold a special Remembrance Day service, where hymns and national anthems are played in honor of war heroes. Here are some quotes to share in honor of our past fallen soldiers and to take a moment to remember them. Jose Narosky In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.Aaron KilbournThe dead soldiers silence sings our national anthem.Richard HoveyOur cheer goes back to them, the valiant dead!Laurels and roses on their graves to-day,Lilies and laurels over them we lay,And violets oer each unforgotten head.Joseph DrakeAnd they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldiers tomb, and beauty weeps the brave.Benjamin DisraeliThe legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.William HavardThe greatest glory of a free-born people is to transmit that freedom to their children.Joseph CampbellA hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.Douglas MacArthurIn my dreams, I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.Publilius SyrusValor grows by daring, fear by holding back.Billy GrahamCourage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. MuhammadFour things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave.Elizabeth Barrett BrowningAnd each man stands with his face in the light of his own drawn sword. Ready to do what a hero can.Carol Lynn PearsonHeroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.Michel de MontaigneValor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.Napoleon BonaparteValor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes.William PennFor death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.Lucy LarcomLife hangs as nothing in the scale against dear Liberty!George F. KennanHeroism...is endurance for one moment more.Rudyard Kipling, The Old IssueAll we have of freedom, all we use or know- This our fathers bought for us long and lon g ago.Albert EinsteinWe must be prepared to make heroic sacrifices for the cause of peace that we make ungrudgingly for the cause of war. There is no task that is more important or closer to my heart.Louis PasteurIt is surmounting difficulties that makes heroes.John H. JewettOur battle-fields, safe in the keepingOf Natures kind, fostering care,Are blooming,- our heroes are sleeping,- And peace broods perennial there.Omar BradleyBravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.Randy VaderThe story of America’s quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots.Benjamin DisraeliNurture your minds with great thoughts, to believe in the heroic makes heroes.Henry Ward BeecherThey hover as a cloud of witnesses above this Nation.Schuyler ColfaxThese martyrs of patriotism gave their lives for an idea.William Makepeace ThackerayBravery never goes out of fashion.G. K. ChestertonBrave men are all vertebrates; they have their softness on the surface and their toughness in the middle. Rose Kennedy It has been said, time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. William Shakespeare Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear. Alexander Henry On what rests the hope of the republic? One country, one language, one flag! Cynthia Ozick We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Arthur Koestler The most persistent sound which reverberates through mens history is the beating of war drums. Michael N. Castle These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor- and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror. Philip James Bailey Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade. Maya Angelou How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! Oliver Wendell Holmes Lord, bid wars trumpet cease; Fold the whole earth in peace. George William Curtis A mans country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. Mark Twain In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. Thomas Dunn English But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, Is their monument to-day, and for aye. Jeannette Rankin You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake. Czeslaw Milosz, The Issa Valley The living owe it to those who no longer can speak to tell their story for them. Sara Zarr When the remembering was done, the forgetting could begin. Thomas Campbell To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. Robert Reich True patriotism isnt cheap. Its about taking on a fair share of the burden of keeping America going. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit The more we sweat in peace the less we bleed in war. Gary Hart I think there is one higher office than president and I would call that patriot. Eve Merriam I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, Mother, what was war? Terry Pratchett, Going Postal Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken? G.K. Chesterton Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Case Study Make Green Delicious Essay Example
Case Study Make Green Delicious Essay Example Case Study Make Green Delicious Essay Case Study Make Green Delicious Essay - A. - Introduction/Statement of the Problem: As the executive director of the National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA), Bob Goodenow is faced with the issue of developing a communications strategy for the NHLPA. It must establish a strong bargaining stance for the players that effectively communicate their position on the salary cap issue, while also retain the loyalty of hockey fans. B. - Analysis: The current Collective Bargaining Agreement includes a limited salary cap and entry-level salary cap, and expires September 15th, 2004. It is no longer successful at controlling rapid growth in player salaries and forming a direct link between salary growth and league revenues. The Unified Report of Operations claims that the majority of NHL teams have lost money in recent years. Owners believe that there are â€Å"major deficiencies in the current contract that has led to significant financial losses and a competitive imbalance. Smaller teams can’t compete with larger teams; therefore the league can’t be competitive. There is a transition from a local market to a league-wide market, so players’ salaries are escalating to levels that are unsustainable. Entry-level salary caps are ineffective due to signing bonuses. The NHL revenue growth equals 173%, while the players’ salary growth equals 261% over the term of the CBA. The players’ salaries account for 75% of NHL revenues, which is much higher than other sports. Owners believe a mechanism is needed to control player salaries and tie them to revenues. Players question the validity of the financial information, URO, and Levitt Report. Players argue against the proposed solutions and say free market forces should determine players’ salaries. There is no validity in the owners’ financial statements, which may support that the lack of revenues is due to poor business decisions, not high player salaries. C. - Alternatives: A) Strategy that focuses on the players’ current stance on the salary cap, using free market forces, questionable financial validity, and poor business decisions as their platforms for gaining the media and the fans support. B) Strategy that emphasizes on the lack of financial transparency of the NHL and its owners that has led a delayed agreement. C) Continue with the current communications strategy. D. - Recommendation: Bob is recommended to choose alternative A and pursue a communications strategy, which emphasizes the NHL players’ current position on the proposed salary cap. E. - Implementation Plan: Bob should begin by clearly establishing the players’ values and goals in regards to the negotiation and how he intends on communicating them to reach the fans. This would involve taking the players’ stance on the salary cap and communicating it consistently through the NHLPA’s website, players’ personal social media, radio interviews, etc. It would include reasoning to support the players’ position, such as the lack of transparency and validity in financial information presented by the NHL owners, as well as the importance of free markets in the determination of salaries. By using the players as a source of free media and publicity, the NHLPA can emphasize their position and sympathize with the fans and their common love for the game. Here, the players can explain that a salary cap would essentially be equal to a salary cut for players. This is something that nobody would agree with if it came to their own job, whether they are rich or poor. By effectively communicating the players’ stance on the proposed salary cap to the fans and public, the NHLPA can gain a favourable bargaining position over the NHL owners for the upcoming negotiations in September 2004. It will also help retain fan loyalty to the NHL and its organizations, which is a common interest for both parties.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Harlem Renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Harlem Renaissance - Essay Example The essay "Harlem Renaissance" explores he Harlem Renaissance art. They were doing this to escape the oppression faced by them right after World War I and thus it started a cultural movement which later became known as the Harlem Renaissance. The cultural movement was viewed and realized by the political activists, artists, musicians, and cultural elite, all of them having a longer term vision for the future. The painting that I have chosen to discuss is the Jeunesse, made by Palmer Hayden using water color. It is the collection of Dr Meredith F Sirmans and it shows the enthusiasm of the jazz, which is a musical form developed during 1920’s by the African Americans and also inclined towards the European form of art of the harmonic structure and the complex African rhythm culture. Jazz is usually identified by its blue rhythms and distinctive speech annotations (Powell). The painting shows a couple dancing to the jazz song and they seem to be swayed way by the music and are tot ally into it. The painter could’ve seen this view in hotel Savoy, many believe as it was a famous jazz club of the time. It talks about the importance of the dance in African Americans and how they expressed themselves through this. The Italian poet Filippo Marinetti is the writer of the futurist manifesto which was a document published in 1909 in the French newspaper Le Figaro and in the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dell ‘Emilia. It was an artistic and cultural movement initiated in Italy in the early 20th century.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Religion - Essay Example These religions command people to show kindness to fellow human beings as well as to animals. MORALS, PERFECTION – The followers of the three East Asian religions, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto, concentrate mainly on being a perfect human being and upholding moral behavior. Each of these has a humanist philosophy. MONOTHEISM, BOOK – The common features of the religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are that both believe in one God and both are religions of the book. The latter means that a book was sent to the people of all these religions through their prophets. Generally speaking, with time people are only becoming lesser and lesser interested in religion. The number of atheists is increasing. People are getting further from religion and there may be several reasons behind this phenomenon. Man is always attracted to shiny, happy and fun aspects of life. Many religions are not all about fun. They are about being kind to the fellow human beings, helping others eve n if you have to go out of your way, and being honest no matter what. Not everyone happily complies with these rules. For instance, many feel that they could be much more successful in life if they don’t follow the humanity rules; they don’t work honestly to earn; they cheat on their customers to see their personal profit; they indulge in illegal work such as smuggling and money laundering. The list is endless. But that is not to say, however, that good people are no longer there today. There still are several good people out there who prefer to be honest over being rich illegally. They treat others nicely and take care of the animals too. They have moral values which they hold on to and uphold. However, one important thing to consider is that we cannot really relate religion to being good or bad. Nowadays there is more to being spiritual than being religious. There are good Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc., and bad too. So we cannot really say that being religious mean s being good. A person may be ritualistically following a religion without really putting any meaning to it. He may have been brought up in such an environment while his perceptions might be different. There are good and bad atheists too around the world. Coming back to the original discussion, after a century religion would still be there but it would have few followers, and even less of the really true followers. Also, from research it has been concluded that the less religious countries are happier and also have lower crime rates. With the progress of science and technology the people have been more depending on it and leaving religion in the air. It is said that science has been debunking several religious claims. If this is how it goes on and if people consider science to be more reliable – what with all the logical and valid reasons laid down – it is inevitable that more and more people would look up to science and consider religion as unimportant. It is vital to note, however, that though science can take us till the moon, going to heaven is another thing all together, and only religion is what will get us there. Even in today’s world we see there are so many religious conflicts all over the world – some places more than the other, but they are there. People have become intolerant of each other; if someone’s views do not match theirs, they are wrong. This is the general perception. Of course, not everyone acts this way but those who do are enough to bring about violence and conflict as we have seen. We have heard about religious institutions being bombed and attacked and we have heard of people being persecuted because of their chosen religion. This is not limited to a single religion; conflicts exist in every religion. Churches as well as mosques are attacked;
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