Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Great Debate Medical Marijuana, Is It Ethical
The debate on Medical marijuana has been a controversial subject mainly because people have an abundance of opinions and very little scientific research to back up either side of the debate. The most important question here is â€Å"will medical marijuana be used for medical purposes or will it be used inappropriately?†Unlike a person who uses marijuana for medicine or entertainment, some people use marijuana as a means for income. Honestly marijuana sales is a very profitable business but the problem is that there is still a numerous amount of people who sell marijuana illegally. Usually with illegal sales of marijuana also comes other illegal activity. According to the DEA, â€Å"marijuana smuggling into the United States has occurred at†¦show more content†¦Todays marijuana is much more powerful and much more addictive than it was a generation ago.’ â€Å"Federal laws classify marijuana as a schedule I drug along with heroin and LSD. Although marijuana may be addictive to some, the potential for forming an addiction may be lower than with some prescription drugs.†(Live Science) Regardless, the reality is that marijuana IS a drug. Marijuana is composed of approximately over four hundred chemicals. According to the Mayo Clinic Marijuana contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids. Researchers are evaluating how effective some of these cannabinoids might be in controlling symptoms of certain medical conditions. For example: THC, an abbreviation for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC is the main component responsible for marijuanas mind-altering effect. It also may help treat signs and symptoms such as nausea and vomiting that are associated with a number of medical conditions. Cannabinol and cannabidiol, these compounds have some of the properties of THC, but cause less psychoactive effects  the high. [...]†Medical marijuana can be used to treat a variety of illnesses ranging from anxiety to more life threatening diseases like cancer. A person, in California, who uses marijuana medically agrees to follow the Health and Safety codes as defined by the Attorney General, Edmund G. Brown Jr., and the Department of Justice (state ofShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"When Your Conscience Says Law Is Immoral, DonT Follow1038 Words  | 5 PagesJack Kevorkian seems to resonate deeply with the proponents of legalizing marijuana use, despite it originally referring to assisted suicide. The legalization of marijuana use had become one of the biggest hot button issues of the last decade, and is being fiercely debated across the United States. 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